Butterfly Coloring Page freebie!!!

Free Butterfly coloring page marker art you can colour just for fun!!  This butterfly marker art contains an inspiring verse from Proverbs 2.  Just click continue reading for the BIG version and to read the inspiring quote, then print and colour the page anyway you like.ButterflyMarkerArtPRO21011

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Free Coloring Page Words as a honeycomb!

Free coloring page clipart marker art – busy as a bee?  Remember pleasant words are as a honeycomb sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.  Proverbs 16:24  My gift to you today!  Just click continue reading for larger version.  If you like this image you will love the adult coloring book Whatever is Lovely by Waterbrook Press.  Visit the link for the book here:  Whatever is Lovely Colouring Book for Adults


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