Pearls of Wisdom: Grace & Peace from God

Free clipart for you!  II Peter 1-2, “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.”  Just click continue reading for the BIG version…PearlsofWisdom2PETER12GracePeace

Continue reading “Pearls of Wisdom: Grace & Peace from God”

Free Pearl Crowns & Frames: set of 6


Free Pearl Frames with Gold Crowns (set of 6) for you to use for personal use any way you like!  Easy as 1-2-3!  Just click the continue reading link below for the full image.  (All 6 colours each frame with a crown included)…
Continue reading “Free Pearl Crowns & Frames: set of 6”

Like Angels Crowned with Glory & Honor

Free Pearl Crown Frame artwork of PSALM 8:3-5

Please enjoy this free bible art of Psalm 8:3-5 … like angels crowned with glory and honor you are!!!  Pearl frames similar to these yet blank for your own text message are now available here:  Pearl Frames with Crowns (set of 9)

Bride of Christ Wedding Invitation

All proceeds from the sale of this product, 100% go to to support the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.  Jesus bless you!!!  Please feel free to share with friends and family.  100% Free graphic design included!