Justified in the Name of Jesus!

1 Corinthians 6:11 bible verse quote with beautiful Newfoundland picture artwork, free for commercial or personal use.  Feel free to share this inspiring message and picture artwork  with a friend or two.  Blessings!


HOPE free adult coloring page

One more free adult coloring page with a pretty scroll, chrysanthemum flowers and inspiring bible quote from Lamentations 3:26.  Have fun coloring!  Just click continue reading for the BIG version.  Enjoy 🙂  See the previous post for a color reference guide and color examples.


Continue reading “HOPE free adult coloring page”

Bride of Christ welcome!

Dear Bride of Christ,

Welcome to the wedding supper in heaven!  We have set a wonderful wedding supper for you as the Bride of Christ and all you have to do is r.s.v.p. with righteousness and the fruit of the spirit… love, joy, patience, kindness, peace, faith, gentleness, self control.  We look forward to serving you!

Please visit this link to some inspiring inspirational images and words (the holy word) for the Bride of Christ: Bride of Christ inspiring images & inspirational words